Universal Host Controller Interface

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Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI) was created by Intel as an implementation of the USB 1.0 host controller interface. Along with OHCI, it makes up the USB 1.0 standard.

Technical Details

The UHCI specification defines a set of I/O mapped registers that allow communication between the controller and the operating system. The base address for these registers can be found by searching the PCI controller for a specific VendorID/DeviceID combination, or for a specific ClassID/SubclassID/Interface combination. All UHCI PCI controllers will have a Class ID of 0x0C, a Subclass ID of 0x03, and an Interface value of 0x00. The PCI Configuration space for this device will contain the I/O port address information in BAR4. This may be different from other standards such as OHCI or EHCI.

I/O Registers

Offset (Hex) Name Description Lenght
00 USBCMD Usb Command 2 bytes
02 USBSTS Usb Status 2 bytes
04 USBINTR Usb Interrupt Enable 2 bytes
06 FRNUM Frame Number 2 bytes
08 FRBASEADD Frame List Base Address 4 bytes
0C SOFMOD Start Of Frame Modify 1 byte
10 PORTSC1 Port 1 Status/Control 2 bytes
12 PORTSC2 Port 2 Status/Control 2 bytes

Command Register

Bits Name Description
15-8 Reserved
7 Max Packet 0 = Max packet size 32 bits 1 = Max packet size 64 bits
6 Configure
5 Software Debug
4 Global Resume
3 Global Suspend
2 Global Reset
1 Host Controller Reset
0 Run 1 = Controller execute frame list entries

Status Register

You can clear this bits by writing 1 to it.

Bits Name Description
15-6 Reserved
5 Halted 1 = bit 0 in CMD is zero 0 = bit 0 in CMD is 1
4 Process Error
3 System Error
2 Resume Detected
1 Error Interrupt
0 Interrupt

Interrupt Enable Register

Bits Name Description
15-4 Reserved
3 Short Packet 1=Enable interrupt 0=Disable interrupt
2 Complete 1=Enable interrupt 0=Disable interrupt
1 Resume 1=Enable interrupt 0=Disable interrupt
0 Timeout CRC 1=Enable interrupt 0=Disable interrupt

Frame Number

Number of processed entry of Frame List.

Frame List Base Address

32-bit physical adress of Frame List. Remember that first 12 bytes are always 0. The Frame List must contain 1024 entries.

Start Of Frame

This port set timing of frame. Should be 0x40.

Port 1/2 Status/Control Registers

Bits Name Description
15-13 Reserved
12 Suspend
11-10 Reserved
9 Reset 1 = Device is in reset
8 Low Speed 1 = Device is Low Speed
7 Reserved (Must be 1)
6 Resume Detected
5-4 Line Status
3 Port Enable Changed Bit 2 value was changed, write-clear bit
2 Port Enabled 1 = Device is enabled
1 Connected Changed Bit 0 value was changed, write-clear bit
0 Connected 1 = Some device is connected

Memory structures

Frame List Entry

Bits Name Description
31-4 First Descriptor Address
3-2 Reserved
1 0 = Address points to TD 1 = Address points to QH
0 0 = Frame Is Valid 1 = Empty Frame

UHCI Descriptor

Offset (Hex) Name Description Lenght
00 Next Descriptor Same as Frame Entry Above 4 byte lenght
04 Status See below 4 byte lenght
08 Packet Header See below 4 byte lenght
12 Buffer Address 32-bit address of data buffer 4 byte lenght
16 System Use 128-bit area reserved for use by the system 16 byte lenght

UHCI Descriptor Status

Bits Name Description
31-30 Reserved
29 Short Packet Detect 1 = If SPD, continue execution from horizontal QH pointer
28-27 Error Counter
26 Low Speed 1 = This is transfer to Low speed device
25 Is Isochronous
24 Interrupt On Complete
23 Active Set by UHCI Controller
22 Stalled Set by UHCI Controller
21 Data Buffer Error Set by UHCI Controller
20 Babble Detected Set by UHCI Controller
19 Non-Acknowledged Set by UHCI Controller
18 Timeout CRC Set by UHCI Controller
17 Bit Stuff Error Set by UHCI Controller
16-11 Reserved
10-0 Actual Length Length of transferred bytes-1

UHCI Descriptor Packet Header

Bits Name Description
31-21 Maximum Length (Length - 1) so 7 for low speed, 63 for full speed
20 Reserved
19 Data Toggle
18-15 Endpoint
14-8 Device
7-0 Packet Type 0x69 = IN, 0xE1 = OUT, 0x2D = SETUP, other values are invalid

See Also

External Links