GDC Cross-Compiler
If you reached here, you should have enough knowledge about cross-compilers, how they work. and so on. If you don't, check out GCC Cross-Compiler.
We assume you have a host system with a working GCC installation. If you are not using a bash shell, you might have to modify some of the command lines below. If you have just installed the basic Cygwin package, you have to run the setup.exe again and install the following packages:
- Make
- Flex
- Bison
You will also have to install the following (using your system's package management):
GNU GMP (libgmp-devel on Cygwin, libgmp3-dev on apt-based systems, dev-libs/gmp on Gentoo)
GNU MPFR (libmpfr-devel on Cygwin, libmpfr-dev on apt-based systems, dev-libs/mpfr on Gentoo)
MPC (libmpc-devel on Cygwin, libmpc-dev on apt-based systems, dev-libs/mpc on Gentoo)
Step 1 - Bootstrap
We will build a toolset running on your host that can turn source code into object files for your target system.
We need the binutils and the GCC packages from [1]. Make sure you downloaded exactly GCC ver 4.9.x (or 3.x, if you like old stuffs). Download them to /usr/src (or whereever you think appropriate), and unpack them. Also, we need gdc package from [2]. Current version is 0.24.
export PREFIX=/usr/local/cross export TARGET=i586-elf cd /usr/src mkdir build build/binutils build/gcc
cd /usr/src/build/binutils /usr/src/binutils-x.xx/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls make all make install
This needs some work out. First, unpack gcc, and we got /usr/src/gcc-x.x.x Go to /usr/src/gcc-x.x.x/gcc, and unpack gdc.This will create a subdirectory named "d".
cd /usr/src/gcc-x.x.x ./gcc/d/
Then go to /usr/src/gcc-x.x.x/gcc/d, open and look at line 188. You'll see this
const char* cygwin_d_os_versym = D_OS_VERSYM;
Change D_OS_VERSYM to whatever you want, since it is a string, like "MyOS". But do not set it to NULL, or your compiler will segfault. Forum Post by Wilkie
Now, you can build GCC:
cd /usr/src/build-gcc export PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX/bin ../gcc-x.x.x/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls \ --enable-languages=c,d,c++ --without-headers make all-gcc make install-gcc
Step 2
Before you can build a kernel, you must have a kind of D Runtime. At least you must have a correct object.d file.