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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:31, 30 June 2009FunctionConfigsIFacesEPs.gif (file)11 KBMadeofstaples (Illustrates the relationship between functions, configurations, interfaces, and endpoints.)1
21:48, 25 June 2009HSHBIsoOUT.gif (file)16 KBMadeofstaples (Taken from figure 5-12 of the USB 2.0 specifications. Illustrates Data Phase PID Sequence for Isochronous OUT High Bandwidth Endpoints)1
21:47, 25 June 2009HSHBIsoIN.gif (file)17 KBMadeofstaples (Taken from figure 5-11 of the USB 2.0 specifications. Illustrates Data Phase PID Sequence for Isochronous IN High-Bandwidth Endpoints)1
19:07, 25 June 2009BulkInterruptTx.gif (file)7 KBMadeofstaples (Taken from Figure 8-35 of the USB 2.0 Specifications. Illustrates bulk/interrupt transactions.)1
18:07, 25 June 2009ControlTx.gif (file)18 KBMadeofstaples (Taken from Figure 8-37 of the USB 2.0 specifications. Illustrates the transaction order, data sequence bit value, and DATA PID type for control read and write sequences.)1
12:22, 25 June 2009SETUPTransaction.gif (file)4 KBMadeofstaples (Illustrates a SETUP transaction, which consists of a SETUP packet, a DATA0 packet, and a handshake packet (in this case, an ACK handshake).)1
23:38, 24 June 2009Usbtransactionreorder.gif (file)19 KBMadeofstaples (Illustrates how a host controller may potentially reorder a bulk transfer and two control transfers on the USB.)1
21:43, 24 June 2009Usbframes.gif (file)10 KBMadeofstaples (Illustration of USB (micro)frames.)1
17:41, 24 June 2009FailedACKTx.gif (file)46 KBMadeofstaples (Illustration of how a sending and receiving device each manage their data toggle bits during a failed ACK response.)1
17:39, 24 June 2009SuccessfulDataTx.gif (file)31 KBMadeofstaples (Illustration of how a sending and receiving device each manage their data toggle bits during a successful data transmission.)1
14:26, 10 June 2009USBDataFlow.gif (file)16 KBMadeofstaples (Illustration of USB Communication Flow)1
14:20, 10 June 2009USBTopology.gif (file)26 KBMadeofstaples (USB Topology)1
14:16, 10 June 2009LFHSDevsHSHubHSPortCorrect.gif (file)12 KBMadeofstaples (Correct illustration of split transactions allowing Low- and Full-speed devices on a high-speed bus.)1
14:16, 10 June 2009LFHSDevsHSHubHSPortIncorrect.gif (file)15 KBMadeofstaples (Incorrect illustration of Low- and Full-speed devices on a high-speed bus.)1
14:12, 10 June 2009HSDevsToHSHubToHSPort.gif (file)10 KBMadeofstaples (High-speed devices connected to a high-speed hub which is connected to a high-speed USB port.)1
14:11, 10 June 2009HSHubToHSPort.gif (file)7 KBMadeofstaples (High-speed hub connected to a high-speed capable USB port)1
14:08, 10 June 2009LFSpeedDevToHSPort.gif (file)7 KBMadeofstaples (Low- or Full-speed device connected to a high-speed capable USB port)1
14:04, 10 June 2009USBSystem.gif (file)9 KBMadeofstaples (USB System Illustration)1
13:47, 10 June 2009PortRoutingBlockDiagram.gif (file)5 KBMadeofstaples (EHCI Port Routing Block Diagram)1

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