User:No92/ARM Instruction Encoding
This page summarizes the encoding of instructions for ARM. These encodings are tested on a Raspberry Pi, which is ARMv6.
condition codes
One of the most awesome features of the ARM instruction set is conditional execution of instructions. These codes are 4-bit values that most instructions support. If the instructions support it, they are placed in bits 31-28.
instruction suffix | description | code |
eq | equals / equals zero | 0000 |
ne | not equal | 0001 |
cs / hs | carry set / unsigned higher or same | 0010 |
cc / lo | carry clear / unsigned lower | 0011 |
mi | negative | 0100 |
pl | positive or zero | 0101 |
vs | overflow | 0110 |
vc | no overflow | 0111 |
hi | unsigned higher | 1000 |
ls | unsigned lower or same | 1001 |
ge | signed greater or same | 1010 |
lt | signed less than | 1011 |
gt | signed greater | 1100 |
le | signed less than or equal | 1101 |
al | always | 1110 |
No suffix defaults to al (always), which is hexadecimal '0xE'.
b (branch) and bl (branch with link)
This instruction changes the flow of the program by setting pc to a value encoded in the instruction.
bits 31 - 28 | bits 27 - 24 | bits 23 - 0 |
condition code | 1010 for b 1011 for bl |
signed 24-bit immediate |
The signed 24-bit immediate specifies the number of instructions (they are 4 bytes each) to go up/down in memory.
pc is pointing 8 bytes higher that the address of the current instruction. You have to take this into account when calculating an offset.
swi (Software Interrupt)
swi calls a software interrupt. It is used to provide syscalls. On Linux, the swi number for any syscall is always 0, as the syscall number is in r7.
bits 31-28 | bits 27-24 | bits 23-0 |
condition code | 1111 | 24-bit immediate |