OSDev Wiki:About

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Welcome to OSDev.org, the largest online community of operating system developers. If you want to learn how to write your own OS we have all the information to get you started. Read our OS development wiki to learn where to start. The forums are a great place to discuss OS theory and ask for help when you get stuck. Don't forget to add a link on the OS List to your OS project once it gets going.

This website provides information about the creation of operating systems and serves as a community for those people interested in OS creation. The wiki contain articles about various OS developing subjects. For more information on the history of this site, and OSDeving in general, see the History page.

License of the text on the wiki

Copyright and licensing issues are being worked out for the moment. Read this thread on the forum. Also read about the license here and the general disclaimer.

Offline archive

You can download an HTML copy of the wiki for offline viewing: https://files.osdev.org/osdev_wiki.zip

You can download an XML dump of the wiki (suitable for importing into your own MediaWiki): https://files.osdev.org/osdev-wiki.xml.gz

The wiki archives are automatically generated on a weekly basis.


The forums run phpBB 3.3 and the wiki runs MediaWiki 1.39 LTS.

The PluggableAuth and PHPBB_Auth extensions are used to integrate the wiki with the forum account. See Special:Version for a list of MediaWiki extensions installed.

Discuss the wiki

If you want to discuss issues about the wiki go to the OSDev Wiki forum.