Talk:PowerPC Overview

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The PowerPC page has not been updated in over 20 years. The links and some other information is very much out of date.

  • Motorolla spun off its processors to a separate company, Freescale, that was then purchased by NXP.
  • Apple no longer sells PPC based equipment that I know of
  • There are 32 and 64 bit versions of the PowerPC, and several core variations currently out there

I'm new to the community. Is it a problem if I update some of the links and other information about the PowerPC? A lot of the OS work I do these days is primarily on the PowerPC (E500v2 (32 bit, single processor, embedded) and E6500 (64 bit, multi-thread multi core with hypervisor support and IO MMU), so I currently have a lot of information on hand.