User:Janworks/Intel Ethernet i219-V

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Note: This is a draft version, receiving does not work yet.



The i219-V and similar cards are present in many current devices, thus supporting them in a custom OS is desirable. Compared to older ethernet devices like the Intel 8254x, the i219-V separates PHY (actual network hardware) and MAC (controller that communicates with software) into two different devices; for that reason, Intel's documentation of the i219-V does not contain any information on the card's software configuration registers. As the i219-V is designed to work with Intel's SPT PCH (Sunrise Point Platform Controller Hub, sometimes also called Intel 100 Series), developers need to consult the PCH's documentation for writing a working driver. Unfortunately, up to now (September 2018), there seems to be no suitable documentation available, thus one has to deduce the needed information with older documentation and Intel's official Linux e1000e driver source code.


Accessing the Configuration Registers

As stated in the PCH documentation, the GbE (Gigabit Ethernet) Controller resides at PCIe Bus 0, Device 31, Function 1. The BAR0 PCIe register then points to the card's configuration memory, which can be accessed through MMIO in the same way as with older cards.

// Map BAR0 memory area
pci_bar_info_t bar0Info;
pci_get_bar_info(deviceCfgSpaceHeader, 0, &bar0Info);
deviceBar0Memory = (uint8_t *)mmio_map(bar0Info.baseAddress, bar0Info.size, VM_R | VM_W);
    panic("Error: Could not map Intel i219 BAR0 MMIO.");
// Enable PCI bus mastering (else no PCI accesses possible)
uint32_t commandRegister = deviceCfgSpaceHeader->commonHeader.command;
commandRegister |= 0x04;
deviceCfgSpaceHeader->commonHeader.command = commandRegister;

For convenience one can define two helper functions for accessing given register offsets:

// Reads the given device register using MMIO.
static uint32_t i219_read(e1000_register_t reg)
    return *((uint32_t *)(deviceBar0Memory + reg));
// Sets a new value for the given device register using MMIO.
static void i219_write(e1000_register_t reg, uint32_t value)
    *((uint32_t *)(deviceBar0Memory + reg)) = value;

Retrieving the MAC Address

A simple test for checking whether the card controller was detected correctly is reading the MAC address from the card's RAR register.

uint32_t macLow = i219_read(E1000_REG_RAL);
if(macLow != 0x00000000)
    // MAC can be read from RAL[0]/RAH[0] MMIO directly
    macAddress[0] = macLow & 0xFF;
    macAddress[1] = (macLow >> 8) & 0xFF;
    macAddress[2] = (macLow >> 16) & 0xFF;
    macAddress[3] = (macLow >> 24) & 0xFF;
    uint32_t macHigh = i219_read(E1000_REG_RAH);
    macAddress[4] = macHigh & 0xFF;
    macAddress[5] = (macHigh >> 8) & 0xFF;
    panic("Could not read MAC from MMIO");

Device Initialization

After verifying that the device was properly detected, one can configure it for basic receiving and transmitting of Ethernet packets; the initialization steps are very similar to the e1000 cards. A list of the used registers can be found at the end of this article.

Disable Interrupts

Before modifying the card's settings one needs to disable its interrupts, to prevent them from firing before everything is set up properly.

// Disable all interrupts
i219_write(E1000_REG_IMC, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Clear pending interrupts

Clear Multicast Table Array

This register array controls multicast filtering. Since it might have random contents on startup, it needs to be zeroed at initialization.

// Clear multicast table array
for(int i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
    i219_write(E1000_REG_MTA + 4 * i, 0x00000000);

Transmit Descriptor Ring

The packets to be transmitted are copied into a ring buffer in RAM (consisting of a set of transmit descriptors), which is shared with the network card. The each time the driver inserts a packet, it increments the ring buffer's tail pointer; the hardware keeps the head pointer, that points toward the packet after the one that is transmitted next. All packets between the head and tail pointer are owned by the hardware; all other (empty) descriptors can be accessed by the driver.

(Legacy) descriptors look the same as for older network cards:

// Structure of transmit descriptors.
typedef struct
    // Physical address of the transmit descriptor packet buffer.
    uint64_t address;
    // Length of the packet part to transmit.
    uint16_t length;
    // Check sum offset.
    uint8_t cso;
    // Command field.
    uint8_t command;
    // Packet transmission status.
    uint8_t status;
    // Checksum start field.
    uint8_t css;
    // Unused.
    uint16_t special;
} __attribute__((__packed__)) tx_desc_t;

One can now allocate the ring buffer and the packet memory, and pass their physical address for DMA to the network card. The amount of descriptors can be chosen rather freely, but a size of TX_DESC_COUNT=256 seems to be usual. The packet buffer size depends on the maximum transmission unit (MTU); if no long packets (jumbo frames) are supported, TX_BUFFER_SIZE=2048 is sufficient. Since these memory regions are accessed via DMA, they need to be contiguous in physical memory!

// Allocate transmit data buffer
uint64_t txBufferMemPhy;
txBufferMem = heap_alloc_contiguous(TX_DESC_COUNT * TX_BUFFER_SIZE, VM_R | VM_W, &txBufferMemPhy);
    panic("Could not allocate i219 transmit data buffer.");
// Allocate and initialize transmit descriptor buffer
uint64_t txDescriptorsPhy;
txDescriptors = heap_alloc_contiguous(TX_DESC_COUNT * sizeof(tx_desc_t), VM_R | VM_W, &txDescriptorsPhy);
    panic("Could not allocate i219 transmit descriptor buffer.");
for(int i = 0; i < TX_DESC_COUNT; ++i)
    // Initialize descriptor
    tx_desc_t *currDesc = &txDescriptors[i];
    currDesc->address = txBufferMemPhy + i * TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
    currDesc->length = 0;
    currDesc->status = 0;
    currDesc->cso = 0;
    currDesc->css = 0;
    currDesc->special = 0;
// Pass transmit descriptor buffer
i219_write(E1000_REG_TDBAH, txDescriptorsPhy >> 32);
i219_write(E1000_REG_TDBAL, txDescriptorsPhy & 0xFFFFFFFF);
i219_write(E1000_REG_TDLEN, TX_DESC_COUNT * sizeof(tx_desc_t));
i219_write(E1000_REG_TDH, 0);
i219_write(E1000_REG_TDT, 0);
txTail = 0;

Receive Descriptor Ring


Enable transmit/receive

Once all queues are created, transmitting and receiving can be started by setting the appropriate flags in the respective control registers:

// Enable transmitter
uint32_t tctl = i219_read(E1000_REG_TCTL);
tctl |= E1000_TCTL_EN; // EN (Transmitter Enable)
tctl |= E1000_TCTL_PSP; // PSP (Pad Short Packets)
tctl |= E1000_TCTL_RTLC; // RTLC (Re-transmit on Late Collision)
i219_write(E1000_REG_TCTL, tctl);
// Enable receiver
uint32_t rctl = i219_read(E1000_REG_RCTL);
rctl |= E1000_RCTL_EN; // EN (Receiver Enable)
rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_SBP; // SBP (Store Pad Packets)
rctl |= E1000_RCTL_BAM; // BAM (Broadcast Accept Mode)
rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_SZ_4096;
rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SZ_2048; // BSIZE = 2048 (Receive Buffer Size)
rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_BSEX;
rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SECRC; // SECRC (Strip Ethernet CRC)
i219_write(E1000_REG_RCTL, rctl);

Enable Interrupts

Finally one can enable interrupts again, the card should now be ready to receive and transmit packets.

i219_write(E1000_REG_IMS, E1000_IMS_RXT0);

This is the most important interrupt; it fires when a new packet was received by the network card. The card also provides mechanisms to delay interrupts, such that one interrupt accounts for receiving multiple packets, instead of firing once for each packet.

Sending Packets

Sending packets works the same way as for e1000 cards: The driver waits until the next descriptor is empty (i.e., its contents were sent by the hardware), stores the packet data and increments its tail pointer, such that the hardware can access the descriptor.

// Wait until descriptor at current tail is unused
tx_desc_t *desc = &txDescriptors[txTail];
    while(!(desc->status & 0xF)) // Catches "descriptor done" (DD) and various errors
// Copy packet data
memcpy(&txBufferMem[txTail * TX_BUFFER_SIZE], packet, packetLength);
desc->length = packetLength;
desc->command = 0x8 | 0x2 | 0x1; // RS (Report Status), IFCS (Insert FCS), EOP (End Of Packet)
desc->cso = 0;
desc->status = 0;
desc->css = 0;
desc->special = 0;
// Update tail
if(txTail == TX_DESC_COUNT)
    txTail = 0;
i219_write(E1000_REG_TDT, txTail);

Receiving Packets

The packets receieved are copied into a ring buffer in RAM (consisting of a set of receive descriptors), which is shared with the network card. The each time the driver processes a packet, it increments the ring buffer's tail pointer; the hardware keeps the head pointer, that points toward the packet after the one that is transmitted next. All packets between the head and tail pointer are owned by the hardware; all other (empty) descriptors can be accessed by the driver.

(Legacy) descriptors look the same as for older network cards:

// Structure of receive descriptors.
typedef struct {
	volatile uint64_t addr;
	volatile uint16_t length;
	volatile uint16_t checksum;
	volatile uint8_t status;
	volatile uint8_t errors;
	volatile uint16_t special;
} __attribute__((__packed__)) rx_desc_t;

One can now allocate the ring buffer and the packet memory, and pass their physical address for DMA to the network card. The amount of descriptors can be chosen rather freely, but a size of RX_DESC_COUNT=256 seems to be usual. The packet buffer size depends on the maximum transmission unit (MTU); if no long packets (jumbo frames) are supported, RX_BUFFER_SIZE=2048 is sufficient. Since these memory regions are accessed via DMA, they need to be contiguous in physical memory!

// Allocate transmit data buffer
uint64_t rxBufferMemPhy;
rxBufferMem = heap_alloc_contiguous(RX_DESC_COUNT * RX_BUFFER_SIZE, VM_R | VM_W, &rxBufferMemPhy);
    panic("Could not allocate i219 receive data buffer.");
// Allocate and initialize transmit descriptor buffer
uint64_t rxDescriptorsPhy;
rxDescriptors = heap_alloc_contiguous(RX_DESC_COUNT * sizeof(rx_desc_t), VM_R | VM_W, &rxDescriptorsPhy);
    panic("Could not allocate i219 receive descriptor buffer.");
for(int i = 0; i < RX_DESC_COUNT; ++i)
    // Initialize descriptor
    rx_desc_t *currDesc = &rxDescriptors[i];
    currDesc->address = rxBufferMemPhy + i * RX_BUFFER_SIZE;
    currDesc->length = 0;
    currDesc->status = 0;
    currDesc->cso = 0;
    currDesc->css = 0;
    currDesc->special = 0;
// Pass receive descriptor buffer
i219_write(E1000_REG_RDBAH, rxDescriptorsPhy >> 32);
i219_write(E1000_REG_RDBAL, rxDescriptorsPhy & 0xFFFFFFFF);
i219_write(E1000_REG_RDLEN, RX_DESC_COUNT * sizeof(rx_desc_t));
i219_write(E1000_REG_RDH, 0);
i219_write(E1000_REG_RDT, RX_DESC_COUNT);
//Prefetch control might need to be set to zero
i219_write(E1000_REG_RDTR, 0);
rxCur = 0;

And handling a RXT0 interrupt:

uint32_t status = i219_read(E1000_REG_ICR);
if (status & E1000_ICR_RXT0)
		//kprintf(u"Packet interrupt: RX %d\n", dinfo->rxCur);
		while (dinfo->maprxdescs[dinfo->rxCur].status != 0)
			uint8_t *buf = raw_offset<uint8_t*>(dinfo->maprxbuf, dinfo->maprxdescs[dinfo->rxCur].addr - dinfo->rx_buf_phy);
			uint16_t len = dinfo->maprxdescs[dinfo->rxCur].length;
			// Here you should inject the received packet into your network stack
			dinfo->maprxdescs[dinfo->rxCur].status = 0;
			auto old_cur = dinfo->rxCur;
			dinfo->rxCur = (dinfo->rxCur + 1) % dinfo->RX_DESC_COUNT;
			i219_write(E1000_REG_RDT, old_cur);

Register and Flags List

Intel network controller register and flag definitions.
Taken from Linux e1000e driver.
/* Registers */
typedef enum
    E1000_REG_CTRL = 0x00000, /* Device Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_STATUS = 0x00008, /* Device Status - RO */
    E1000_REG_EECD = 0x00010, /* EEPROM/Flash Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_EERD = 0x00014, /* EEPROM Read - RW */
    E1000_REG_CTRL_EXT = 0x00018, /* Extended Device Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_FLA = 0x0001C, /* Flash Access - RW */
    E1000_REG_MDIC = 0x00020, /* MDI Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_SCTL = 0x00024, /* SerDes Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_FCAL = 0x00028, /* Flow Control Address Low - RW */
    E1000_REG_FCAH = 0x0002C, /* Flow Control Address High -RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXT = 0x0002C, /* Future Extended - RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXTNVM = 0x00028, /* Future Extended NVM - RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXTNVM3 = 0x0003C, /* Future Extended NVM 3 - RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXTNVM4 = 0x00024, /* Future Extended NVM 4 - RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXTNVM6 = 0x00010, /* Future Extended NVM 6 - RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXTNVM7 = 0x000E4, /* Future Extended NVM 7 - RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXTNVM9 = 0x5BB4, /* Future Extended NVM 9 - RW */
    E1000_REG_FEXTNVM11 = 0x5BBC, /* Future Extended NVM 11 - RW */
    E1000_REG_PCIEANACFG = 0x00F18, /* PCIE Analog Config */
    E1000_REG_FCT = 0x00030, /* Flow Control Type - RW */
    E1000_REG_VET = 0x00038, /* VLAN Ether Type - RW */
    E1000_REG_ICR = 0x000C0, /* Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
    E1000_REG_ITR = 0x000C4, /* Interrupt Throttling Rate - RW */
    E1000_REG_ICS = 0x000C8, /* Interrupt Cause Set - WO */
    E1000_REG_IMS = 0x000D0, /* Interrupt Mask Set - RW */
    E1000_REG_IMC = 0x000D8, /* Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
    E1000_REG_IAM = 0x000E0, /* Interrupt Acknowledge Auto Mask */
    E1000_REG_IVAR = 0x000E4, /* Interrupt Vector Allocation Register - RW */
    E1000_REG_SVCR = 0x000F0,
    E1000_REG_SVT = 0x000F4,
    E1000_REG_LPIC = 0x000FC, /* Low Power IDLE control */
    E1000_REG_RCTL = 0x00100, /* Rx Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_FCTTV = 0x00170, /* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
    E1000_REG_TXCW = 0x00178, /* Tx Configuration Word - RW */
    E1000_REG_RXCW = 0x00180, /* Rx Configuration Word - RO */
    E1000_REG_PBA_ECC = 0x01100, /* PBA ECC Register */
    E1000_REG_TCTL = 0x00400, /* Tx Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_TCTL_EXT = 0x00404, /* Extended Tx Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_TIPG = 0x00410, /* Tx Inter-packet gap -RW */
    E1000_REG_AIT = 0x00458, /* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle - RW */
    E1000_REG_LEDCTL = 0x00E00, /* LED Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_LEDMUX = 0x08130, /* LED MUX Control */
    E1000_REG_EXTCNF_CTRL = 0x00F00, /* Extended Configuration Control */
    E1000_REG_EXTCNF_SIZE = 0x00F08, /* Extended Configuration Size */
    E1000_REG_PHY_CTRL = 0x00F10, /* PHY Control Register in CSR */
    E1000_REG_PBA = 0x01000, /* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
    E1000_REG_PBS = 0x01008, /* Packet Buffer Size */
    E1000_REG_PBECCSTS = 0x0100C, /* Packet Buffer ECC Status - RW */
    E1000_REG_IOSFPC = 0x00F28, /* TX corrupted data  */
    E1000_REG_EEMNGCTL = 0x01010, /* MNG EEprom Control */
    E1000_REG_EEWR = 0x0102C, /* EEPROM Write Register - RW */
    E1000_REG_FLOP = 0x0103C, /* FLASH Opcode Register */
    E1000_REG_ERT = 0x02008, /* Early Rx Threshold - RW */
    E1000_REG_FCRTL = 0x02160, /* Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - RW */
    E1000_REG_FCRTH = 0x02168, /* Flow Control Receive Threshold High - RW */
    E1000_REG_PSRCTL = 0x02170, /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */
    E1000_REG_RDFH = 0x02410, /* Rx Data FIFO Head - RW */
    E1000_REG_RDFT = 0x02418, /* Rx Data FIFO Tail - RW */
    E1000_REG_RDFHS = 0x02420, /* Rx Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */
    E1000_REG_RDFTS = 0x02428, /* Rx Data FIFO Tail Saved - RW */
    E1000_REG_RDFPC = 0x02430, /* Rx Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */
    E1000_REG_RDTR = 0x02820, /* Rx Delay Timer - RW */
    E1000_REG_RADV = 0x0282C, /* Rx Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer - RW */
    E1000_REG_RAL = 0x05400, // Receive Address Low
    E1000_REG_RAH = 0x05404, // Receive Address High
    E1000_REG_RDBAL = 0x02800, // RX Descriptor Base Address Low
    E1000_REG_RDBAH = 0x02804, // RX Descriptor Base Address High
    E1000_REG_RDLEN = 0x02808, // RX Descriptor Length
    E1000_REG_RDH = 0x02810, // RX Descriptor Head
    E1000_REG_RDT = 0x02818, // RX Descriptor Tail
    E1000_REG_TDBAL = 0x03800, // TX Descriptor Base Address Low
    E1000_REG_TDBAH = 0x03804, // TX Descriptor Base Address High
    E1000_REG_TDLEN = 0x03808, // TX Descriptor Length
    E1000_REG_TDH = 0x03810, // TX Descriptor Head
    E1000_REG_TDT = 0x03818, // TX Descriptor Tail
    E1000_REG_MTA = 0x05200
} e1000_register_t;
/* Device Control */
typedef enum
    E1000_CTRL_FD = 0x00000001, /* Full duplex.0=half; 1=full */
    E1000_CTRL_GIO_MASTER_DISABLE = 0x00000004, /* Blocks new Master reqs */
    E1000_CTRL_LRST = 0x00000008, /* Link reset. 0=normal,1=reset */
    E1000_CTRL_ASDE = 0x00000020, /* Auto-speed detect enable */
    E1000_CTRL_SLU = 0x00000040, /* Set link up (Force Link) */
    E1000_CTRL_ILOS = 0x00000080, /* Invert Loss-Of Signal */
    E1000_CTRL_SPD_SEL = 0x00000300, /* Speed Select Mask */
    E1000_CTRL_SPD_10 = 0x00000000, /* Force 10Mb */
    E1000_CTRL_SPD_100 = 0x00000100, /* Force 100Mb */
    E1000_CTRL_SPD_1000 = 0x00000200, /* Force 1Gb */
    E1000_CTRL_FRCSPD = 0x00000800, /* Force Speed */
    E1000_CTRL_FRCDPX = 0x00001000, /* Force Duplex */
    E1000_CTRL_LANPHYPC_OVERRIDE = 0x00010000, /* SW control of LANPHYPC */
    E1000_CTRL_LANPHYPC_VALUE = 0x00020000, /* SW value of LANPHYPC */
    E1000_CTRL_MEHE = 0x00080000, /* Memory Error Handling Enable */
    E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN0 = 0x00040000, /* SWDPIN 0 value */
    E1000_CTRL_SWDPIN1 = 0x00080000, /* SWDPIN 1 value */
    E1000_CTRL_ADVD3WUC = 0x00100000, /* D3 WUC */
    E1000_CTRL_EN_PHY_PWR_MGMT = 0x00200000, /* PHY PM enable */
    E1000_CTRL_SWDPIO0 = 0x00400000, /* SWDPIN 0 Input or output */
    E1000_CTRL_RST = 0x04000000, /* Global reset */
    E1000_CTRL_RFCE = 0x08000000, /* Receive Flow Control enable */
    E1000_CTRL_TFCE = 0x10000000, /* Transmit flow control enable */
    E1000_CTRL_VME = 0x40000000, /* IEEE VLAN mode enable */
    E1000_CTRL_PHY_RST = 0x80000000, /* PHY Reset */
} e1000_ctrl_flags_t;
/* Extended Device Control */
typedef enum
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_LPCD = 0x00000004, /* LCD Power Cycle Done */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_SDP3_DATA = 0x00000080, /* SW Definable Pin 3 data */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_FORCE_SMBUS = 0x00000800, /* Force SMBus mode */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_EE_RST = 0x00002000, /* Reinitialize from EEPROM */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_SPD_BYPS = 0x00008000, /* Speed Select Bypass */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_RO_DIS = 0x00020000, /* Relaxed Ordering disable */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_DMA_DYN_CLK_EN = 0x00080000, /* DMA Dynamic Clk Gating */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_MASK = 0x00C00000,
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_PCIE_SERDES = 0x00C00000,
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_EIAME = 0x01000000,
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_DRV_LOAD = 0x10000000, /* Drv loaded bit for FW */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_IAME = 0x08000000, /* Int ACK Auto-mask */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_PBA_CLR = 0x80000000, /* PBA Clear */
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_LSECCK = 0x00001000,
    E1000_CTRL_EXT_PHYPDEN = 0x00100000,
} e1000_ctrl_ext_flags_t;
/* Device Status */
typedef enum
    E1000_STATUS_FD = 0x00000001, /* Duplex 0=half 1=full */
    E1000_STATUS_LU = 0x00000002, /* Link up.0=no,1=link */
    E1000_STATUS_FUNC_MASK = 0x0000000C, /* PCI Function Mask */
    E1000_STATUS_FUNC_SHIFT = 2,
    E1000_STATUS_FUNC_1 = 0x00000004, /* Function 1 */
    E1000_STATUS_TXOFF = 0x00000010, /* transmission paused */
    E1000_STATUS_SPEED_MASK = 0x000000C0,
    E1000_STATUS_SPEED_10 = 0x00000000, /* Speed 10Mb/s */
    E1000_STATUS_SPEED_100 = 0x00000040, /* Speed 100Mb/s */
    E1000_STATUS_SPEED_1000 = 0x00000080, /* Speed 1000Mb/s */
    E1000_STATUS_LAN_INIT_DONE = 0x00000200, /* Lan Init Compltn by NVM */
    E1000_STATUS_PHYRA = 0x00000400, /* PHY Reset Asserted */
    E1000_STATUS_GIO_MASTER_ENABLE = 0x00080000, /* Master request status */
    E1000_STATUS_2P5_SKU = 0x00001000, /* Val of 2.5GBE SKU strap */
    E1000_STATUS_2P5_SKU_OVER = 0x00002000, /* Val of 2.5GBE SKU Over */
} e1000_device_status_flags_t;
/* Receive Control */
typedef enum
    E1000_RCTL_EN = 0x00000002, /* enable */
    E1000_RCTL_SBP = 0x00000004, /* store bad packet */
    E1000_RCTL_UPE = 0x00000008, /* unicast promisc enable */
    E1000_RCTL_MPE = 0x00000010, /* multicast promisc enable */
    E1000_RCTL_LPE = 0x00000020, /* long packet enable */
    E1000_RCTL_LBM_NO = 0x00000000, /* no loopback mode */
    E1000_RCTL_LBM_MAC = 0x00000040, /* MAC loopback mode */
    E1000_RCTL_LBM_TCVR = 0x000000C0, /* tcvr loopback mode */
    E1000_RCTL_DTYP_PS = 0x00000400, /* Packet Split descriptor */
    E1000_RCTL_RDMTS_HALF = 0x00000000, /* Rx desc min thresh size */
    E1000_RCTL_RDMTS_HEX = 0x00010000,
    E1000_RCTL_MO_SHIFT = 12, /* multicast offset shift */
    E1000_RCTL_MO_3 = 0x00003000, /* multicast offset 15:4 */
    E1000_RCTL_BAM = 0x00008000, /* broadcast enable */
    /* these buffer sizes are valid if E1000_RCTL_BSEX is 0 */
    E1000_RCTL_SZ_2048 = 0x00000000, /* Rx buffer size 2048 */
    E1000_RCTL_SZ_1024 = 0x00010000, /* Rx buffer size 1024 */
    E1000_RCTL_SZ_512 = 0x00020000, /* Rx buffer size 512 */
    E1000_RCTL_SZ_256 = 0x00030000, /* Rx buffer size 256 */
    /* these buffer sizes are valid if E1000_RCTL_BSEX is 1 */
    E1000_RCTL_SZ_16384 = 0x00010000, /* Rx buffer size 16384 */
    E1000_RCTL_SZ_8192 = 0x00020000, /* Rx buffer size 8192 */
    E1000_RCTL_SZ_4096 = 0x00030000, /* Rx buffer size 4096 */
    E1000_RCTL_VFE = 0x00040000, /* vlan filter enable */
    E1000_RCTL_CFIEN = 0x00080000, /* canonical form enable */
    E1000_RCTL_CFI = 0x00100000, /* canonical form indicator */
    E1000_RCTL_DPF = 0x00400000, /* discard pause frames */
    E1000_RCTL_PMCF = 0x00800000, /* pass MAC control frames */
    E1000_RCTL_BSEX = 0x02000000, /* Buffer size extension */
    E1000_RCTL_SECRC = 0x04000000, /* Strip Ethernet CRC */
} e1000_rx_ctrl_flags_t;
/* Transmit Control */
typedef enum
    E1000_TCTL_EN = 0x00000002, /* enable Tx */
    E1000_TCTL_PSP = 0x00000008, /* pad short packets */
    E1000_TCTL_CT = 0x00000ff0, /* collision threshold */
    E1000_TCTL_COLD = 0x003ff000, /* collision distance */
    E1000_TCTL_RTLC = 0x01000000, /* Re-transmit on late collision */
    E1000_TCTL_MULR = 0x10000000, /* Multiple request support */
} e1000_tx_ctrl_flags_t;
/* Interrupt Cause Read */
typedef enum
    E1000_ICR_TXDW = 0x00000001, /* Transmit desc written back */
    E1000_ICR_LSC = 0x00000004, /* Link Status Change */
    E1000_ICR_RXSEQ = 0x00000008, /* Rx sequence error */
    E1000_ICR_RXDMT0 = 0x00000010, /* Rx desc min. threshold (0) */
    E1000_ICR_RXT0 = 0x00000080, /* Rx timer intr (ring 0) */
    E1000_ICR_ECCER = 0x00400000, /* Uncorrectable ECC Error */
    E1000_ICR_INT_ASSERTED = 0x80000000, /* If this bit asserted, the driver should claim the interrupt */
    E1000_ICR_RXQ0 = 0x00100000, /* Rx Queue 0 Interrupt */
    E1000_ICR_RXQ1 = 0x00200000, /* Rx Queue 1 Interrupt */
    E1000_ICR_TXQ0 = 0x00400000, /* Tx Queue 0 Interrupt */
    E1000_ICR_TXQ1 = 0x00800000, /* Tx Queue 1 Interrupt */
    E1000_ICR_OTHER = 0x01000000, /* Other Interrupts */
} e1000_intr_cause_flags_t;
/* Interrupt Mask Set */
typedef enum
    E1000_IMS_TXDW = E1000_ICR_TXDW, /* Tx desc written back */
    E1000_IMS_LSC = E1000_ICR_LSC, /* Link Status Change */
    E1000_IMS_RXSEQ = E1000_ICR_RXSEQ, /* Rx sequence error */
    E1000_IMS_RXDMT0 = E1000_ICR_RXDMT0, /* Rx desc min. threshold */
    E1000_IMS_RXT0 = E1000_ICR_RXT0, /* Rx timer intr */
    E1000_IMS_ECCER = E1000_ICR_ECCER, /* Uncorrectable ECC Error */
    E1000_IMS_RXQ0 = E1000_ICR_RXQ0, /* Rx Queue 0 Interrupt */
    E1000_IMS_RXQ1 = E1000_ICR_RXQ1, /* Rx Queue 1 Interrupt */
    E1000_IMS_TXQ0 = E1000_ICR_TXQ0, /* Tx Queue 0 Interrupt */
    E1000_IMS_TXQ1 = E1000_ICR_TXQ1, /* Tx Queue 1 Interrupt */
    E1000_IMS_OTHER = E1000_ICR_OTHER, /* Other Interrupt */
} e1000_intr_mask_flags_t;
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