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I wanted to define the Executive's LDT in source code, since it wouldn't be growing in size. As it turned out though, parts of it needed to be filled in at run-time anyway. The reserved entries are at the bottom.

; Exec/
; This is the Local Descriptor Table for the Executive
                SEGMENT         Exec.LDT  VSTART=0  ALIGN=16
; This macro makes it easy to have a one-line invocation of LDT.Alloc
; The parameters are: GDT Entry, LDT Limit
%macro          LDT.Vars                2
%00             ISTRUC                  LDT.Alloc
AT LDT.Alloc.Free,   DW                 0
AT LDT.Alloc.Limit,  DW                 %2
                     DB                 0
AT LDT.Alloc.Type,   DB                 x86.Desc.Sys.Type.LDT
AT LDT.Alloc.GDT,    DW                 %1
Exec.LDT.Alias.Base  EQU        Exec.LDT.Base
Exec.LDT.Alias.Limit EQU        Exec.LDT.Limit
Exec.LDT.Alias.Type  EQU        Type.Mem(Data, DPL0, RW)
Exec.LDT.Alias.Gran  EQU        Gran.Mem(Byte, Small)
Exec.LDT.IDT.Base    EQU        IDT.Base
Exec.LDT.IDT.Limit   EQU        IDT.Max - 1
Exec.LDT.IDT.Type    EQU        Type.Mem(Data, DPL0, RW)
Exec.LDT.IDT.Gran    EQU        Gran.Mem(Byte, Small)
Exec.LDT.Stack.Top   EQU        Exec.Stack.Top            ; Let's play with Expand-Down Descriptors
Exec.LDT.Stack.Limit EQU        (0-Exec.Stack.Size) >> 12 - 1
Exec.LDT.Stack.Type  EQU        Type.Mem(Stack, DPL0, RW)
Exec.LDT.Stack.Gran  EQU        Gran.Mem(Gran, Big)
Exec.LDT.Code.Base   EQU        Exec.Base
Exec.LDT.Code.Limit  EQU        Exec.Limit
Exec.LDT.Code.Type   EQU        Type.Mem(Code, DPL0, NoRW)
Exec.LDT.Code.Gran   EQU        Gran.Mem(Byte, Def32)
Exec.LDT.Vars   LDT.Vars        GDT.Exec.LDT, Exec.LDT.Limit
Exec.LDT.Alias  Desc.Mem        Exec.LDT.Alias.Base, Exec.LDT.Alias.Limit, Exec.LDT.Alias.Type, Exec.LDT.Alias.Gran
Exec.LDT.IDT    Desc.Mem        Exec.LDT.IDT.Base,   Exec.LDT.IDT.Limit,   Exec.LDT.IDT.Type,   Exec.LDT.IDT.Gran
Exec.LDT.Stack  Desc.Mem        Exec.LDT.Stack.Top,  Exec.LDT.Stack.Limit, Exec.LDT.Stack.Type, Exec.LDT.Stack.Gran
Exec.LDT.Code   Desc.Mem        Exec.LDT.Code.Base,  Exec.LDT.Code.Limit,  Exec.LDT.Code.Type,  Exec.LDT.Code.Gran
Exec.LDT.Double         EQU       $
Exec.LDT.Double.Stack   Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Stack for Double Fault handler
Exec.LDT.Double.TSS     Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Alias for TSS to read Backlink
Exec.LDT.Double.Alias   Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Alias for Faulting TSS
Exec.LDT.BadStack       EQU       $
Exec.LDT.BadStack.Stack Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Stack for BadStack Fault handler
Exec.LDT.BadStack.TSS   Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Alias for TSS to read Backlink
Exec.LDT.BadStack.Alias Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Alias for Faulting TSS
Exec.LDT.BadTSS         EQU       $
Exec.LDT.BadTSS.Stack   Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Stack for BadTSS Fault handler
Exec.LDT.BadTSS.TSS     Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Alias for TSS to read Backlink
Exec.LDT.BadTSS.Alias   Desc.Mem  0, 0, 0, 0 ; Alias for Faulting TSS
; Note that this LDT cannot grow during run-time - there's other stuff directly after it!
%if (Exec.LDT.Alias-Exec.LDT) != DT.Alias
%error "Invalid Executive LDT alias"
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