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The keyboard handler just has to test against the different keypresses that we want to heed, to affect the current display on the screen. From easiest to hardest:

  • <Esc>
    Just leave the debugger;
  • <Del>
    Swap between displaying Bytes and DWords by changing the EBP register (it holds the address of the function to CALL).
  • <Up> or <Down> arrow
    Subtract or Add (respectively) 10h to ESI (the current memory pointer) unless it's already outside the current Segment's limits.
  • <PgUp> or <PgDn>
    Call the <Up> or <Down> (respectively) function Debug.Show.Height - 1 times. Why - 1? It allows a measure of overlap for the user to maintain synchronization with the scrolling. Note that there's no attempt to break out of the loop if the Segment limits have been reached: the code simply ignores the attempt, so it can ignore it repeatedly!
  • <Left> or <Right> arrow
    These are the most complex functions. They Subtract or Add (respectively) the size of a Descriptor to the current value of the currently-displayed Selector, and then the result checked for readability with the CPU's VERR (VERify Read) instruction. (That hasn't had a lot of use in your code before, I'll bet!) If the new value is a readable Segment, it becomes the new current Segment. Otherwise, we loop around doing the Subtraction or Addition again. And if the ends of the Descriptor Table are reached, the Table Indicator bit inside the Selector is toggled to access the LDT or GDT, and the loop is continued.

The final keypresses above call the .Check routine to determine if the Selector is readable, and to toggle the TI bit if necessary. If the new Selector isn't readable, it just returns. If it is, it establishes the new Minimum and Maximum values for the Segment, taking into account if the Descriptor is marked Expand Down.


; Ints/Debug/
; This module handles the various keyboard actions.
                HLT                             ; Wait for interrupt
                MOV             AL,0            ; Consume any keypress
                XCHG            [FS:Data.Key.Code],AL ; Avoid repeats
                CMP             AL,0            ; Anything there?
                JE              .End            ; No, so leave
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.Quit
                JE              .End            ; Quit?
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.Format
                JE              .Format
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.Up
                JE              .Up
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.Down
                JE              .Down
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.PgUp
                JE              .PgUp
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.PgDn
                JE              .PgDn
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.Prev
                JE              Ints.Debug.Desc.Prev
                CMP             AL,Debug.Key.Next
                JE              Ints.Debug.Desc.Next
                CMP             EBP,Ints.Debug.Show.DWords
                JE              .Bytes
                MOV             EBP,Ints.Debug.Show.DWords
                JMP             .End
                MOV             EBP,Ints.Debug.Show.Bytes
                CMP             ESI,EBX          ; Reached Minimum?
                JBE             .End             ; Yep! Do nothing.
                SUB             ESI,Debug.BytesPerRow ; Move earlier in memory
                MOV             EAX,ESI          ; Try some calculations
                ADD             EAX,Debug.Show.Height*Debug.BytesPerRow ; Add in bottom of Screen
                JO              .End             ; Overflow means too far!
                DEC             EAX              ; Need to, since Limit has -1
                CMP             EAX,EDX          ; Reached Maximum?
                JAE             .End             ; Yep, so too far
                ADD             ESI,Debug.BytesPerRow ; Move later in memory
                MOV             CL,Debug.Show.Height-1 ; Leave one row the same
                CALL            Ints.Debug.Key.Up
                LOOP            .Loop
                MOV             CL,Debug.Show.Height-1 ; Leave one row the same
                CALL            Ints.Debug.Key.Down
                LOOP            .Loop
                MOV             EAX,DS           ; Get current Descriptor
                ADD             AX,x86.Desc_size ; Go to next Descriptor
                CALL            Ints.Debug.Desc.Check
                JNE             .Loop
                MOV             EAX,DS           ; Get current Descriptor
                SUB             AX,x86.Desc_size ; Go to previous Descriptor
                CALL            Ints.Debug.Desc.Check
                JNE             .Loop
; This checks the current Descriptor for readability. If not, it simply returns.
; If it is readable, it sets up the necessary registers; in particular the
; values for Minimum and Maximum.
; One step it does take is to check the result of the just-completed Next or
; Prev. If that over- or under-flowed, it swaps to the other Descriptor Table
; (GDT or LDT). Also note that since there's no easy way to determine the size
; of the current LDT, or even the GDT, it is easiest to simply check all the
; Descriptors.
                JNC             .Readable       ; Didn't overflow: keep going
                XOR             EAX,x86.Seg.TI  ; Use other Descriptor Table
                VERR            AX              ; Can I read it?
                JNZ             .End            ; Nope. Keep looking!
                MOV             DS,EAX          ; Found!
                LSL             EDX,EAX         ; Maximum address
                XOR             EBX,EBX         ; Minimum address
                MOV             ESI,EBX         ; Start at Minimum
                LAR             EAX,EAX         ; One more thing...
                TEST            AH,x86.Desc.Mem.Type.Code  ; Is it Code?
                JNZ             .Found                     ; OK, good
                TEST            AH,x86.Desc.Mem.Type.Stack ; No. Is it a Stack?
                JZ              .Found                     ; No! Phew!
                XCHG            EBX,EDX         ; Yes, so everything's upside down!
                INC             EBX             ; Or off-by-one
                NOT             EDX             ; Or inverted!
                ; Start at "top" of Segment, less a screenful
                MOV             ESI,0-(Debug.Show.Height*Debug.BytesPerRow) ; Screenful
                SHR             EAX,16          ; Also need to check Gran byte
                TEST            AL,x86.Desc.Mem.Gran.Big ; 32-bit?
                JNZ             .Found          ; Yes.
                MOV             AX,0FFFFh       ; No. Need to mask off high word
                AND             EDX,EAX         ; Maximum address
                AND             ESI,EAX         ; Starting address
                XOR             EAX,EAX         ; Set Z flag - Found!
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