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Single-stepping is a very useful debugging technique, but it's really only useful when you can see what's happening - or even better, what's about to happen. So the following code is only provided as an example of using and invoking the Trace Flag.

More sophisticated code would reference the PUSHed CS:EIP, prepare a Data alias for the Code segment, and actually present disassembled code. That is left as an exercise for the reader!


; Ints/
; This module provides an example Single-Step handler interrupt.
; To invoke it, enable Single Step Interrupt with the "TRACE" macro.
; It waits for a keypress:
; If it's a Space, it simply returns - the next instruction will stop again.
; If it's Enter, it returns too - but first, it disables the Trace Flag to
; stop future interrupts.
; A good place to put the "TRACE" macro is inside the User code, just as the
; Frame is being drawn. Then, EVERY Task will be in Single Step mode! To
; continue the Tasks, merely hold down the Space key, and watch them slowly
; build their Frames, and perhaps start to bounce their balls.
; If you press Enter, one of the Tasks will resume as normal. If you hold down
; Enter, more and more of the Tasks will resume...
.Key.Continue   EQU             Dev.Key.Space
.Key.Stop       EQU             Dev.Key.Enter
                PUSH            EAX             ; Need these registers
                PUSH            DS
                PUSH            ES
                MOV             AX,Selector(GDT.Data, GDT, RPL0) ; Point to Data
                MOV             DS,AX
                MOV             AX,Selector(GDT.VGA,  GDT, RPL0) ; Point to Screen
                MOV             ES,AX
                INC     BYTE    [ES:0002h]       ; Dingle(tm) screen location
                HLT                              ; Wait for interrupt
                MOV             AL,0             ; Consume any keypress
                XCHG            [Data.Key.Code],AL
                CMP             AL,.Key.Continue ; Continue?
                JE              .Finish          ; Yes, so leave
                CMP             AL,.Key.Stop     ; Stop?
                JNE             .Loop            ; No, so keep waiting
                AND     WORD    [ESP+14h],~x86.EFlags.TF; Yes, so stop tracing
                POP             ES
                POP             DS
                POP             EAX
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