< User:Johnburger | Demo
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This code takes the starting parameters, as provided by the Executive, and works out how to behave.
- Save starting parameters into Data Segment.
- Point to the Top Left of Screen area.
- Is there room to draw a frame (larger than 2x2)? If so:
- Shrink the screen area by 2 in each direction.
- Call the
routine. - Point inside the frame as the new Top Left corner.
- Work out the horizontal deltae, in both units (0 or 1) and screen offset (0 or 2). If the width is only 1 unit, there won't be any horizontal bouncing.
- Works out the vertical deltae, in both units (0 or 1) and screen offset (0 or Row). If the height is only 1 unit, there won't be any vertical bouncing.
- Set the start position to be 1,1. Can now do zero-checks when bouncing up or left.
- Start the loop:
- Remember the current screen pointer.
- Add the current horizontal deltae into X-Pos and screen pointer.
- Is it larger than width, or has it become zero (if negative deltae)? If so:
- Negate both deltae (change their sign/direction).
- Add deltae back into X-Pos and screen pointer.
- Twice.
- Add the current vertical deltae into Y-Pos and screen pointer.
- Is it larger than height, or has it become zero (if negative deltae)? If so:
- Negate both deltae (change their sign/direction).
- Add deltae back into Y-Pos and screen pointer.
- Twice.
- Is the new screen pointer the same as the remembered one?
- Yes: increment character at screen position to show something happened.
- No: Draw a space at the old position, and the defined ball character at the new position.
- Delay. This is one of the following techniques:
- Call
to perform aHLT
. This will pause the system until the next interrupt. - Call
to perform a Task Switch immediately. This will really move things along! - Load
and perform aLOOP
. This is busy-waiting, but to a finely-tunable time.
- Call
; User/
; This module defines the User code to bounce the ball. It:
; 1) Uses the initial register values to set up the Data;
; 2) Draws the Frame (assuming the defined Window is big enough);
; 3) Calculates the bounce parameters (room to move vertically or horizontally?)
; 4) Bounces the ball around (or only increments it if the Window is too small);
; Forever!
; Note that this code can easily write outside its Window - by using direct
; Screen access, it can poke anything anywhere. It could have been given a
; 'strip' of the Screen to access, by defining an LDT-local alias to that part
; of the screen comprising the strip. That wouldn't help accesses to the left
; or right of the Window, but it would detect other bugs!
; On entry:
; CS:EIP = User.Entry
; SS:ESP = Stack
; ES = Screen
; DS = User.Data
; EBX = Row pointer Delta
; CL = Width
; CH = Height
; DL = Left-most position
; DH = Top-most position
User.ColouredBall EQU (User.BallColour << 8) | User.Ball
CLD ; Work forwards
MOV [User.Data.Row],EBX
MOV [User.Data.Left],DX ; Left and Top
MOV [User.Data.Width],CX ; Width and Height
POP DS ; Don't need DS anymore
MOV EBP,EBX ; Save this away
; Calculate Screen pointer
MOV AL,DH ; Get Top
MUL BL ; Multiply by row offset
MOVZX EDI,AX ; Put into Screen ptr
LEA EDI,[EDI+EAX*2] ; Add Left into Screen ptr
; Check if Frame is needed
CMP CL,2 ; Wide enough for frame?
JBE .DeltaX ; Nope!
CMP CH,2 ; Tall enough for frame?
JBE .DeltaX ; Nope!
; Reduce dimensions, Draw Frame, and move inside
MOV ESI,EDI ; Remember current screen ptr
SUB CX,0202h ; Shrink both width and height
CALL User.Frame ; Draw frame...
LEA EDI,[ESI+EBP+2] ; ...and point inside it
.DeltaX: ; Calculate DeltaX
MOV BL,+1 ; Set DeltaX
MOV ESI,2 ; Use this for DeltaX on pointer
CMP CL,1 ; Too narrow?
JA .DeltaY ; Nope!
MOV BL,0 ; No DeltaX
XOR ESI,ESI ; No DeltaX pointer
.DeltaY: ; Calculate DeltaY
MOV BH,+1 ; Set DeltaY
; MOV EBP,EBP ; Use this for DeltaY on pointer
CMP CH,1 ; Too short?
JA .Start ; Nope!
MOV BH,0 ; No DeltaY
XOR EBP,EBP ; No DeltaY pointer
; Now that all the maths is out of the way, I need the pos to be 1-relative (not
; 0-relative)
MOV DH,1 ; Start Y
MOV DL,1 ; Start X
MOV EAX,EDI ; Remember old pointer
ADD EDI,ESI ; Add in DeltaX pointer
ADD DL,BL ; Add in DeltaX
JZ .BounceH ; Underflow?
CMP DL,CL ; No. Overflow?
JBE .MoveV ; No. No bounce!
NEG ESI ; Reverse DeltaX pointer
NEG BL ; Reverse DeltaX
LEA EDI,[EDI+ESI*2] ; Fix up pointer
ADD DL,BL ; Fix up position
ADD DL,BL ; And move correctly
ADD EDI,EBP ; Add in DeltaY pointer
ADD DH,BH ; Add in DeltaY
JZ .BounceV ; Underflow?
CMP DH,CH ; No. Overflow?
JBE .Update ; No. No bounce!
NEG EBP ; Reverse DeltaY pointer
NEG BH ; Reverse DeltaY
LEA EDI,[EDI+EBP*2] ; Fix up pointer
ADD DH,BH ; Fix up position
ADD DH,BH ; And move correctly
CMP EDI,EAX ; After all that, did we move?
JE .Increment ; Nope! Just increment.
MOV BYTE [EAX],' ' ; Erase old ball
MOV WORD [EDI],User.ColouredBall ; And write in new one
JMP .Wait
INC BYTE [EDI] ; Increment screen position
; HLT ; Illegal User-mode instruction!
User.Halt ; So, use system-provided one
; User.Yield ; This has a different effect
; This is an alternative to using HLT
; MOV ECX,User.Delay ; Wait for a little while
; LOOP $ ; About this long...
JMP .Move