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This module has three functions:


This function allocates a new Descriptor in either the GDT or LDT. It uses the same algorithm in both cases, since they've been set up with similar Allocator Data in their first entry (which is not used in the GDT, but is a small waste for an LDT. Ah well!)


This function modifies an existing DT entry to become a Desc.Sys. NOTE THAT ANY SEGMENT REGISTER CONTAINING THIS DESCRIPTOR WILL CAUSE A FAULT! Although a Fault is only generated when a Descriptor is loaded, that is PRECISELY what happens during the return from an interrupt!

In other words, it's NOT safe to keep it in a Segment Register, even if "only for a little while..."


This function modifies an existing DT entry to become a Desc.Mem. Any Segment register containing the old value needs to be refreshed. Note that an interrupt WILL re-load a segment register: you cannot safely assume that a "stale" Segment register still uses the old data!

You'll note that this code handles the conversion of the passed-in size into a Limit - which may be more than just subtracting one from it. It also converts it for Expand Down Segments, and Granularity if the Size is too large.


; Exec/Alloc/

; This module provides generic functions for any of the Descriptor Tables:
; GDT, LDT or IDT. Only the first two have the capacity for new Descriptors
; to be added though.

; This function allocates a new Descriptor in either the GDT or LDT. It uses the
; same algorithm in both cases, since they've been set up with similar Allocator
; Data in their first entry (which is not used in the GDT, but is a small waste
; for an LDT. Ah well!)
; The algorithm is simple:
; 1) If the .Free entry is non-zero, that will be the returned Descriptor.
;    First though, load the .Free's '.Free' entry, since that is the next
;    available entry (could be zero), and store that in .Free instead.
; 2) If the .Free entry is zero, then check .Limit. If that is -1, the table is
;    FULL! Return a zero Descriptor.
; 3) Otherwise, add Descriptor size to .Limit and return the old value - don't
;    forget to add 1 though, since it was a Limit.
; Input:  ES  = Descriptor Table to allocate from
; Output: EAX = Descriptor allocated, or zero if Table is full
;         EDI modified

                MOVZX           EAX,WORD [ES:DT.Alloc.Free] ; Get potential Free one
                TEST            EAX,EAX                 ; Any?
                JZ              .Grow                   ; No, so grow DT

                MOVZX           EDI,WORD [ES:EAX + DT.Alloc.Free] ; Get Free's next
                MOV             [ES:DT.Alloc.Free],EDI  ; Store as new Free
                JMP             .End                    ; Done!
                MOV             AX,[ES:DT.Alloc.Limit]  ; Get current Limit
                INC             AX                      ; Add one
                JZ              .End                    ; Uh oh! Full!

                ADD     WORD    [ES:DT.Alloc.Limit],x86.Desc_size ; Increase Limit

; This function modifies an existing DT entry to become a Desc.Sys.
; Although a Fault is only generated when a Descriptor is loaded, that is
; PRECISELY what happens during the return from an interrupt!
; In other words, it's NOT safe to keep it, even if "only for a little while..."
; Input:  ES:EBX = Descriptor Table entry to modify
;         CX:EAX = Selector : Offset of System entry
;         DL     = Descriptor Type
; Output: EAX modified

                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Sys.OffsetLo],AX
                SHR             EAX,16
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Sys.Selector],CX
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Sys.OffsetHi],AX
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Sys.Type],DL


; This function modifies an existing DT entry to become a Desc.Mem.
; Any Segment register containing the old value needs to be refreshed.
; Note that an interrupt WILL re-load a segment register: you cannot safely
; assume that a "stale" Segment register still uses the old data!
; Input:  ES:EBX = Descriptor Table entry to modify
;         EAX    = Base
;         ECX    = Size (Converted to Limit)
;         DL     = Descriptor Type
;         DH     = Descriptor Granularity
; Output: EAX, ECX and DH modified

                TEST            DL,x86.Desc.Mem.Type.Code
                JNZ             .Scale          ; Code cannot be Expand-Down
                TEST            DL,x86.Desc.Mem.Type.Expand
                JZ              .Scale          ; Not Expand-Down either
                ADD             EAX,ECX         ; It is! Add Size to Base
                NEG             ECX             ; And negate ECX to exclude size
                TEST            DH,x86.Desc.Mem.Gran.Big ; 32-bit?
                JNZ             .Scale          ; Yes
                AND             ECX,0000_FFFFh  ; No. Bring down to 16-bit range
                SUB             EAX,0001_0000h  ; And alter Base to suit
                DEC             ECX             ; Convert to Limit
                CMP             ECX,000F_FFFFh  ; Will Limit fit?
                JBE             .Set            ; Yep, so do so
                SHR             ECX,12          ; Nope! Accommodate it
                OR              DH,x86.Desc.Mem.Gran.Gran
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Mem.LimitLo],CX
                SHR             ECX,16
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Mem.BaseLo], AX
                SHR             EAX,16
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Mem.BaseMid],AL
                OR              DH,CL
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Mem.Type],   DL
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Mem.Gran],   DH
                MOV             [ES:EBX + x86.Desc.Mem.BaseHi], AH
